Search for order Cornales returned 1,423 results.

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Taxonomic status

  1. species: Nyssa californica MacGinitie, 1941

    Kingdom: Plantae

  2. species: Xylopodia laurensis C.M.Martín & C.A.Zanotti

    Kingdom: Plantae

  3. species: Nasa dillonii Weigend

    Kingdom: Plantae

  4. species: Deutzia subulata Hand.-Mazz.

    Kingdom: Plantae

  5. species: Cornus papillosa W.P.Fang & W.K.Hu

    Kingdom: Plantae

  6. species: Huidobria fruticosa Phil.

    Kingdom: Plantae

  7. species: Alangium hollrungii (K.Schum.) Melch. & Mansf.

    Kingdom: Plantae

  8. species: Deutzia calycosa Rehder

    Kingdom: Plantae

  9. species: Deutzia gracilis Siebold & Zucc. – Slender Pride of Rochester

    Slender Pride of Rochester, Bruddeutzia, Japanese Snowflower, Slender Deutsia

    Kingdom: Plantae

  10. species: Mastixia tetrapetala Merr.

    Kingdom: Plantae