Enallopsammia amphelioides var. disticha Eguchi, 1968
Published in:Eguchi M. (1968). The hydrocorals and scleractinian corals of Sagami Bay. Collected by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan. In The hydrocorals and scleractinian corals of Sagami Bay. Maruzen Co, Ltd., Tokyo : 1–53, pls. 1–36, C1–C80, pls. C1–C33, A1–A2, Pl. A. https://www.marinespecies.org/scleractinia/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=29029
Dendrophyllia amphelioides var. cucullata Vaughan, 1907
Published in:Vaughan TW. (1907). Recent Madreporaria of the Hawaiian Islands and Laysan. US National Museum Bulletin, 59 (9): 1–427. https://www.marinespecies.org/scleractinia/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=166190
Coenopsammia amphelioides var. cucullata Vaughan, 1907
Published in:Vaughan TW. (1907). Recent Madreporaria of the Hawaiian Islands and Laysan. US National Museum Bulletin, 59 (9): 1–427. https://www.marinespecies.org/scleractinia/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=166190
Anisopsammia amphelioides cucullata (Vaughan, 1907)
Enallopsammia amphelioides (Alcock, 1902)
Dendrophyllia amphelioides Alcock, 1902
Published in:Alcock A. (1902). Diagnoses and descriptions of new species of corals from the “Siboga-Expedition”. Tijdschrift der Nederlandse Dierkundige Vereeniging (Ser. 2) 7: 89-115. https://www.marinespecies.org/scleractinia/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=181998
Coenopsammia amphelioides (Vaughan, 1902)
Anisopsammia amphelioides (Alcock, 1902)
Published in:Vaughan TW. (1907). Recent Madreporaria of the Hawaiian Islands and Laysan. US National Museum Bulletin, 59 (9): 1–427. https://www.marinespecies.org/scleractinia/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=166190
Enallopsammia adminicularis (Rehberg, 1892)
Amphihelia adminicularis Rehberg, 1892
Published in:Rehberg, H. (1892). Neue und wenig bekannte Korallen. Abhandlungen Aus Dem Gebiete Der Naturwissenschaften Hamburg, 12: 1–50. https://www.marinespecies.org/scleractinia/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=165488
Stereopsammia rostrata (Pourtalès, 1878)
Published in:Pourtalès, L. F. (1880). Report on the corals and Antipatharia. Reports on the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Caribbean Sea, 1878-79, by the United States coast survey steamer “Blake”, commander J.R. Bartlett, U.S.N., commanding. VI. .Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 6(4): 95–120, pls. 1–3. https://www.marinespecies.org/scleractinia/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=164333
Anisopsammia rostrata (Pourtalès, 1878)
Published in:Marenzeller, & von, E. (1904). Steinkorallen. Wissenschaflichte Ergebnisse Der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition Auf Dem Dampfer, Band 7: 281–318, pls. 14–18. https://www.marinespecies.org/scleractinia/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=378564
Amphihelia rostrata Pourtalès, 1878
Published in:de Pourtalès, L. F. (1878). Corals. In: Reports on the dredging operations of the U.S. Coast Survey Steamer “Blake”. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, in Cambridge, 5: 197–212, pl. 1. https://www.marinespecies.org/scleractinia/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=304084