Jassus longeciliatus Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862
Published in:de Graaf, H.W., Six, G.A. & Snellen van Vollenhoven, S.C. (1862a) Tweede naamlijst van inlandsche Hemiptera. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 5, 72–95.
Typhlocyba chloapala Walker, 1851
Published in:Walker, F.A. (1851b) List of the specimens of homopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part III. London: Edward Newman, Vol. 3, 637–907.
Eupteryx viridipes Curtis, 1837
heterotypic synonym
Published in:Curtis, J. (1837d) Eupteryx. In British entomology; being illustrations and descriptions of the genera of insects found in Great Britain and Ireland: containing coloured figures from nature of the most rare and beautiful species, and in many instances of the plants upon which they are found. Vol. XIV. Part. 160. Published by the Author, London. pp. pl. 640.
Typhlocyba smaragdula (Fallén, 1806)
Published in:Herrich-Schäffer, G.A.W. (1834b) Typhlocyba rosae, Typhlocyba citrinella, Typhlocyba elegantula, Typhlocyba urticae, Typhlocyba decempunctata, Typhlocyba pulchella, Typhlocyba quercus, Typhlocyba smaragdula, Typhlocyba discicollis. In Deutschlands Insecten. Vol. 124, pp. 1–15.
Eupteryx smargadula (Fallén, 1806)
Published in:Bold, T.J. (1867a) List of a few local Homoptera. Natural History Transactions of Northumberland and Durham; being papers read at the meetings of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne and the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club, 1, 128–131.
Empoasca smaragdula (Fallén, 1806)
Published in:Horváth, G. (1897c) Hemiptera. Fauna Regni Hungariae. Animalium Hungariae hucusque cognitorum enumeratio systematica. In memoriam Regni Hungariae mille abhinc annis constituti edidit Regia Societas Scientarum Naturalium Hungarica. 1-72.
Empoasca ameragdula (Fallén, 1806)
Published in:Bird, R.D. (1930a) Biotic communities of the aspen parkland of central Canada. Ecology, 11, 356–442.
Cybus smaragdulus Fallén, 1806
Published in:Douglas, J.W. (1875b) Notes on British Homoptera with descriptions of additional species. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 12, 26–29.
Cicadula smaragdula (Fallén, 1806)
Published in:Sahlberg, J.R. (1871a) Öfversigt af Finlands och den Skandinaviska hälfons Cicadariae. I. Notiser ur Sällskapets pro Fauna et Flora Fennica Förhandlingar, 9(12), 1–506.
Cicada smaragdula Fallén, 1806
homotypic synonym