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Names and sources

Accepted Name Source
Orthotylus ericetorum (Fallen, 1807)
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Fallén, C. F. Monographia Cimicum Sveciae. C. G. Proft, Hafniae. 123 pp. [Edition from 1818 examined]. (1807).
Synonym Source
Orthotylus corsicensis Linnavuori, 1992 synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Linnavuori, R. E. Studies on the Miridae fauna of Greece and the Middle East. Biologica Gallo-hellenica 19: 3--27. (1992).
Orthotylus arboreae Linnavuori, 1992 synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Linnavuori, R. E. Studies on the Miridae fauna of Greece and the Middle East. Biologica Gallo-hellenica 19: 3--27. (1992).
Orthotylus ericinellae Linnavuori, 1975 proparte synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Linnavuori, R. E. Hemiptera of the Sudan, with remarks on some species of the adjacent countries. 4. Miridae and Isometopidae. Annales Zoologici Fennici 12: 1--118. (1975).
Orthotylus mediterraneae Wagner, 1971 synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Wagner, E. Zwei neue Orthotylus-Arten (Hem. Het. Miridae). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 29: 60--62. (1971).
Orthotylus ericetorum mediterraneae Wagner, 1971 synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Wagner, E. Zwei neue Orthotylus-Arten (Hem. Het. Miridae). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 29: 60--62. (1971).
Orthotylus arboreae Wagner, 1970 synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Linnavuori, R. E. Studies on the Miridae fauna of Greece and the Middle East. Biologica Gallo-hellenica 19: 3--27. (1992).
Orthotylus ericetorum corsicensis Wagner & Weber, 1964 synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Wagner, E. and H. H. Weber. Héteroptères Miridae. "MDUL"In"MDNM": Faune de France 67: 1--592. (1964).
Orthotylus ericetorum cinereae Wagner & Weber, 1964 synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Wagner, E. and H. H. Weber. Héteroptères Miridae. "MDUL"In"MDNM": Faune de France 67: 1--592. (1964).
Melanotrichus ericetorum Ehanno, 1960 synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Ehanno, B. Contribution a la connaissance des Insectes Héteroptères Miridae Armoricains (2e note). Bulletin de la Societe scientifique de Bretagne 35: 313--324. (1960).
Orthotylus carneae Carvalho, 1958 synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Carvalho, J. C. M. A catalogue of the Miridae of the world. Part III. Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro 47: 161 pp. (1958).
Orthotylus corsicensis Wagner, 1956 synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Tamanini, L. Le razze Italiane dell'Orthotylus (Litocoris) ericetorum (Fallén) 1807 (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae). Atti dell'Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati, ser. 6, 14/15: 197--208. (1976).
Orthotylus cinereae Wagner, 1956 synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Wagner, E. and H. H. Weber. Héteroptères Miridae. "MDUL"In"MDNM": Faune de France 67: 1--592. (1964).
Orthotylus carneae Wagner, 1949 synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Wagner, E. Unterordnung: Ungleichflugler, Wanzen, Heteroptera (Hemiptera). Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas 4: 1--173. (1961).
Orthotylus eurynome Kirkaldy, 1902 synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Kirkaldy, G. W. Memoir upon the Rhyncotal family Capsidae Auctt. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1902: 243--272, pls. V & VI. (1902).
Orthotylus croceus J.Sahlberg, 1888 synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Sahlberg, J. Nagra nykomlingar till insektfauna. Meddelanden af Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 15: 189. (1888).
Orthotylus limbatus (Perris, 1857) synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Perris, E. Nouvelles excursions dans les Grandes Landes, Hémiptères. Annales de al Societe Linneenne de Lyon (n.s.) 4: 3--184. (1857).
Capsus limbatus Perris, 1857 heterotypic synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Published in:Perris, E. Nouvelles excursions dans les Grandes Landes, Hémiptères. Annales de al Societe Linneenne de Lyon (n.s.) 4: 3--184. (1857).
Lygaeus ericetorum Fallen, 1807 homotypic synonym
  • GBIF Backbone Taxonomy


Orthotylus ericetorum
Orthotylus ericetorum arboreae Wagner, 1970 
Orthotylus ericetorum ericetorum (Fallen, 1807) 

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